CPSC 481: Human-Computer Interaction
Team Project Portfolio

Here is the project portfolio for CPSC 481 Team P! Throughout the semester, we will use this page to chronicle our work as we progress through the various stages of our project.

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Secure File Transfer With Prior Key Agreement

An implementation of a toy version of the TLS handshake, assuming that the Client and Server have negotiated SRP-SHA3-256-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHA3-256 as the TLS cipher suite. The protocol has two parties (a Client and a Server), as well as a Trusted Third Party. The program allows for the Client and Server to register and authenticate each other's identities using certificates, and then allows for the derivation of a shared key so that the Client can send encrypted files to the Server.

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Simple Pacman

A Java re-creation of the classic Pacman game. This project involved creating UML class diagrams to conceptually model the structure of the application, animating sprite movement, creating simple ghost AI, and using file I/O to allow players to save the state of their game so that it could be reloaded at a later time. I also created JUnit test cases in order to perform unit testing.

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Hospital Management System

A software application that maintains a database of patient records, staff work schedules, and clinical appointments. This project involved conducting a requirements elicitation meeting, designing a GUI to manage the interactions and access control between various user types, the use of JSON file I/O for database management, and the employment of agile software development methodologies (Scrum). During the creation of this project, I also experienced a switch to remote work and communication in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Human-Computer Interaction Team Project

Team Project from CPSC 481: Human-Computer Interactions. This project is not yet complete, but we are designing a virtual closet mobile application. This project will require application of IDEO methods to conduct user research, ideation, and creation of Lo-fi and Hi-fi prototypes.

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